HEPA Filters in the Home

HEPA Filters in the Home

What are HEPA Filters? You may have heard of HEPA filtration products but not know what that means. These special air filters must pass a minimum level of efficiency and filter out smaller particles than standard filters. HEPA technology was originally developed for...
4 Options for Storage During Remodeling

4 Options for Storage During Remodeling

If you are preparing for a home remodeling project, you’ll likely need to move everything out of the areas being worked on. The work crew will need easy access and you won’t want your furniture and other belongings getting covered in dust and paint. Here are some...
How to Paint Like a Pro

How to Paint Like a Pro

Painting is a quick, inexpensive, and easy way to improve your home. Add personality to a room with bold colors or create a relaxing space with neutral colors. When you’re painting your home, you want to be proud of a job well done once you’re finished. Use...